I live on the edge of New Zealand Native Bush. The window is open and if I breathe slowly and in to my stomach I can almost taste the wet bush air. This is a good thing! I am very inspired by nature, there is nothing like being surrounded by plants to make you feel alive. It doesnt take much to spur on a creative streak when you take in the beauty of outside.
Just tonight I wanted to capture the twilight atmosphere of the wet bush in photographs except I didn't make it but a few steps off my back deck before spying natures art in action. A criss cross layering of spiderweb upon spiderweb at varying heights between some trees... but what really caught my eye were Rimu sprigs that had fallen from above and had become suspended almost mid float. Each one so perfectly placed - varying sizes, varying heights, varying proximities... combined with the wet raindrops... Magical!
I TRIED to photograph it... not so easy! But the point being it will become a springboard for an art piece. Not that I would desire to try to recreate such beauty but to Capture that essence and inspiration is what it's about.
What can you see out YOUR back door?

I love reading your blog and just because it is coming from some other country makes it more interesting to me, isn't that crazy? I have a blog too, but I don't know how to link mine up to anyone elses. Being a new member of the design team for Altered Arts is turning out to be a lot more fun than I thought it would be. How long have you been doing it? If you go to Google and do a search with my name (edie simons) you will find my blog, called Edie's This and That. I'd be so honored if you would read it from time to time and write back to me. Hope your holidays are happy!
Hi Edie,
thanks for visiting my blog! I will be sure to do a search for yours. I have been with Altered Arts from when it started as just the club - so a whiles!
Bye for now
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